Sunday, August 22, 2010

So the first week of school is over. So long and yet so short!

This was such a hectic week. Getting to school at 8am everyday just to see if you'll get lucky enough to be given an add code is a lot of hard work, specially when you live in Santa Ana and it takes you AT LEAST an hour an twenty minutes to get to Fullerton (on the bus). My sleeping cycle definitely took a hit. And even during the weekend, I just can't stay asleep, my body is now too used to waking up early.  Wonder when I'll adjust to this new experience called college.

Community college is so different and yet so similar to high school.

So far, I've maintained the same group of friends, a SMALL group of friends at that. Bryan Galvan, who I've known since jr. high, and Anthony Lee, who I met just three years ago and yet it seems I've known him for a long time. Like in high school, people pass by that you don't know and you don't talk to. Cliques still exist.

However, there are also many differences. For one, I don't have to take lunch at a specific time, no one tells me when to do that. And while others might find that good, I find it hard to pick a regular time to sit down and eat. I honestly prefer to be told when to eat...and have free lunch =) The other difference, which really bothers me, is that students are allowed to smoke on campus. My dad smokes, so it's not that I'm not used to seeing such a habit. The thing that really bothers me about it is that I would think COLLEGE students would know better than to be doing such a thing. But I suppose that to each its own...whatever that means! The thing that I absolutely love about the college campus is that there is, thus far, no public displays of affection. I can walk down the hallway without having to worry about seeing a couple "make out." It's wonderful to see that college students are mature enough to keep their intimacies to themselves.

Wish a new college student good luck on this new journey! Which reminds me....

For a new student, I've actually had a lot of luck! I went to two different trigonometry classes, one at 8am and one at 12pm. By some chance of luck, both professors gave me an add code. In the end, I've decided to take the 8am class. Makes me feel bad knowing that I took the add code from another student for the 12pm class. Also, I was third on the waiting list for my English class. First class meeting came along and I was added right away! In addition to this, I auditioned for and made it into Concert Choir. A rather big honor, in my opinion. So, I've had pretty good luck, the only unlucky thing about this is that theses classes only make up 8 units, obviously not enough to be a full time student, something that I'm really bummed about. But I'm being grateful for what I have gotten. Unfortunately I won't have enough units to be a full time student this semester, but I suppose that's part of the experience of being a new student!

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