Sunday, October 3, 2010

For centuries, humans have attempted to achieve perfection. But perfection is not only impossible; it does not exist.

What is individual perfection: eternal beauty? Unfortunately, we all decay. The fountain of youth is yet to be discovered. Extreme intelligence? Like the rest of our bodies, our brains will be the food of worms. A charming, likable personality? We must remember that the reason why somebody loves us is the exact same reason for which somebody hates us.

Or is it that when we strive for perfection we are seeking universal or communitarian perfection? A utopia: no starvation, social equality, protection. But when we think about what we have to give up to reach this utopia, this perfection is no longer perfection.

To reach a state of no starvation, perhaps, that may mean smaller ratios. Nobody would die of starvation, but maybe we'd always be hungry.

To reach social equality, that would mean giving up our individuality. What makes us unique would seize to exist: our intelligence, our looks, our talents, our personality, our spirit. All this would have to be lost. And when all this is lost, are we still humans or are we mere machines?

To reach protection, past giving up our luxuries of cell phones and computers for communication and sharing of knowledge, we'd have to give up our ability to think and question. Is this a price worth paying for life longevity? In Orwell's words, "Ignorance is strength."

To create a utopia, we must seize our control in our own lives. Our minds must belong to a small group of people trusted to tell us what to think. But what about those people? If they are above the utopia, that means THEY are not perfect, so why would we trust our lives in their hands?

Perfection is not only impossible, it does not exist. But if this is so....what awaits for us in heaven? 

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