Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So Thanksgiving is today! And as tradition calls for, I will say the things I am grateful for.

I am extremely grateful for my family. We fight, we argue, we can never get a moment of peace. If we're falling, we'll kick each other down and will not help each other up until we are already on the floor. Sad, yes.  But I love my family, nonetheless. I have a dad that puts his children's needs before his own, I have the most loving mommy anyone could ever ask for, I have the most disobedient little sister that tries harder than any of us to get us acting like a family, I have a brother that that cares so deeply for his sisters, and I have a baby nephew that I absolutely love to death and would give my life for in an instant if need be. Many people around the world can't say they have what I have. I have been blessed with a malfunctioning, loving family that I would give anything for.

I am so thankful for my boyfriend. In him, I have found the best partner any girl can ask for and I have found a best friend. I have someone to complain to when life sucks and I have someone who I can jump for joy with and not be embarrassed to do so when life is going great. I am so lucky to have someone to go to who understands me, who can stand my little drama fits  and insecurities and not get overtly angry at me, who can make my day better with just a hug, and someone who loves me and is in love. I am blessed to have his presence in my life.

And then there are the materialistic things that I wish everyone would have: a roof over their heads, a bed, a space to think their private thoughts, clothing and food. And other stuff like health and an education. God has been kind to me, even during the toughest times. I often question why the not so great stuff in my life is so, but when I realize that it is only God's plan for me and realize the numerous great things he has blessed my and my family's life with, I know there is nothing else for me to feel but gratitude for the safe life I've lived.

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