Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do girls do it? How do they get all dolled up and pretty before 7:30am and STAY dolled up and pretty for the rest of the day?

I am a simple a gal in many aspects of my life- my manner of speaking, my desires, and the way I dress and look. My routine wardrobe consists of jeans, a plain t-shirt, and my converse. No make up. A ponytail and a small accessory. A special occasion will usually (though by no means, always!) get me to break this routine. And when I see girls regularly dressed up and pretty at 8am, I can't help but to wonder, "how do girls do it?"

Is it that they are confident enough to know they can "rock" and awesome outfit and I'm not? Or is it that they are insecure and feel they must dress up to feel confident and I don't need that?

Perhaps it is that I lack confidence. After all, people who don't have confidence often feel they are not worth beautiful things. This can very well be the case for me. I am insecure (though by no means hate) my puffy hair, my big eyes, my oval face, and my flawed skin. I say, "I would rather sleep" as, perhaps, only an excuse to not deal with the pretty clothes and the make up that, to me, are like handling chemicals with no labels: I have no idea what they are called, what to do with them, or how to use them.

Or is it that these girls I'm talking about are insecure about themselves and dress up (to cover up) to impress others while I'm perfectly fine with showing people my simplicity? I know girls who freak out if a hair is out of place or if they forget to put on their daily make up. I rarely worry about such matters. I'll let my ponytail down and let it fly in the wind without caring if it'll be messed up. I can also wear eyeliner one day and feel absolutely beautiful and wear absolutely no make up the following day (which is my typical routine) and go about my day with no problem.

So how do girls get all dressed up on a regular basis? Well, I can't answer for them, but I know that I am not one of those girls. I would rather show my simplicity 364 days a year and look amazingly stunning one day to do just that: stun. Maybe, just maybe, it's not a matter of confidence, but a matter of how I feel that day.

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