Monday, November 1, 2010


Halloween. One of my favorite holidays of the year. Not because of the bitter coldness. And definitely not because of the way girls have turned it into an excuse to dress sexy/slutty. I really enjoy Halloween because I love to see the Halloween decoration, because little kids look extra cute wearing their costumes, and because of the free candy!

This year, my family, my sister-in-law's family and my boyfriend went trick-or-treating at Seal Beach, as my family has done for several years. It is amazing to see how enthusiastic some people get about decorating their homes. It ranges from a simple jack-o-lantern on the porch to a full blast haunted house. This particular haunted house I am speaking of was rather creative. I'm sure I cannot even begin to guess how much money the owners used to create that labyrinth. The house featured a lot of electronically operated characters such as the girl from The Exorcist, the girl from The Ring, a giant wolf that launched its way toward people passing by, a shaking door from which a character that I didn't see sprang out, and the occasional person that jumped out at you. But even more amazing than these expensive decorations was the extreme generosity of the homeowners that let complete strangers around and about their house for the spirit of the thrill of Halloween.

The super cuteness of the little kids during this strange holiday is also a favorite part of mine. It is particularly cute when children who are just learning to master to the art of walking  are waddling about and truly celebrating their first Halloween. And of course, there is the occasional baby that can't even crawl that has parents that take them out trick or treating (as if the baby can eat all that candy!). My baby nephew, for instance, is always cute, but I just wanted to eat him up because of how adorable he looked in his little lion costume!

And finally, the free candy! I am OBSESSED with chocolate, but a lot of the time I don't have money for my obsession, so it's awesome that strangers are willing to feed my addiction. And I find it so incredible that to all the houses my 19 year old boyfriend and I (18 years of age) went to, nobody turned us away. In fact, when we stood behind because we felt embarrassed to ask, several of the home owners asked us if we wanted some candy.

Who said Christmas was the only time of the year when people were extra nice?!

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